На английском [Marie Forleo] B-School 2021

Автор: Marie Forleo
Название: B-School 2021


What Can B-School Do for You?

Getting your business up and running requires clarity, vision and the ability to execute consistently on the right strategies. Without a roadmap or guidance, the process can be overwhelming. B-School can fast-track your growth and save you years of expensive trial and error.

Who is the Program for? Whether you want to turn your part-time gig into your full-time business, take your existing company to new heights, or youâre just starting your business,

B-School will help you:

- Clarify your goals
- Define your business vision
- Leverage your unique strengths
- Increase your sales and profits
- Focus and better prioritize
- your time
- Craft a unique, compelling brand
- Optimize your conversions
- Create raving fan customers
- Charge what youâre worth
- Get more done in less time
- Maximize your social impact
- Learn proven marketing strategies

